While many prominent black golfers from the mid-20th century had significant roles in knocking down golf’s color barrier, Charlie Sifford is often referred to as the Jackie Robinson of golf for being the first African-American to be a card-carrying member of the PGA Tour and contributing to the removal of the PGA’s shameful Caucasian-only clause, in place from 1934-1961.

In Washington D.C. this weekend, the inaugural Charlie Sifford Sr. Cup will take place to mark what would be his 100th birthday, and joining the podcast to speak about the event and his father, is Charlie Sifford Jr.  The 3-day event has been put together by Golf My Future My Game and will culminate with a junior tournament at Langston Golf Course.


Sponsors of this episode:

Fore Craft Cocktails

Pre-mixed, ready to drink Transfusions in a can! 



Reston National Golf Course

Go check out the new Reston National!


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