This episode was taped on the convention center floor during this month’s PGA Show in Orlando, FL The annual industry event looked a bit more normal this year after going virtual in 2021 due to covid & last year’s which was skipped by almost every major OEM.
A couple weeks prior to the event, David Grossman of the Gibson Island Club was awarded Merchandiser of the Year in the private club category by the Mid-Atlantic PGA. He explains a bit of his strategy in stocking his shop, what he looks for at this show & gives us some history on the architecturally rich golf club as well as some background on its popular logo.
SuperSpeed Golf is a training aid and program that has capitalized on the movement across both professional & amateur golf to maximize swing speed and hit the ball farther. Co-founder, Michael Napoleon gives us some background on how the company got started and the science behind why it can have such a quick and lasting impact on a golf swing.
Tyler Golf Bags was launched less than three years ago to fill a gap in the market that founder, Tyler McDaniel and his peers were looking for themselves. Thin profile, fully customizable carry bags at an affordable price. At last year’s show, we shared some laughs with him and his club pro father, Jay, during a chance meeting at a nearby watering hole. Tyler joins the show to provide some insight on his growing business and his notable show marketing strategy of walking the floor with golf bags over each shoulder in lieu of a traditional booth.
Listen or watch below!